Which company type should you register?

In India, you can choose from diverse business structures designed to meet your needs. Consider a Private Limited Company if you want to raise funds or plan for ESOPs in the future. On the other hand, if you're in professional services and need limited liability, an LLP might be the best choice for you. Remember, the choice is yours, and understanding each structure empowers you to select the one that aligns seamlessly with your vision. Learn more about different company types below.

Private Limited Company
Limited Liability Partnership
One Person Company
Sole Proprietorship
Private Limited Company
Limited Liability Partnership
One Person Company
Sole Proprietorship
Private Limited Company
Limited Liability Partnership
One Person Company
Sole Proprietorship

Registration Costs

1,499 + Govt. Fee
Learn more
1,499 + Govt. Fee
Learn more
1,499 + Govt. Fee
Learn more
No Formal Registration Required
Learn more
No Formal Registration Required
Learn more

Suitable For

Financial Services, Tech Startups, Medium Enterprises
Consultancy firms, Professional Services
Franchises, Retail Stores, Small Businesses
Professional Services, Home- based Services
Freelancers, Home-based Services, Retail shops 

No. Of Shareholders/Partners

2- 200
Only 1
2 - Unlimited
Only 1


Limited Liability
Limited Liability
Limited Liability
Unlimited Liability
Unlimited Liability


Multiple Options
Relatively Few Options
Limited Options
Limited Options
Limited Options



* Effective 15th July, 2024, DSC charges have increased by ₹ 1,000 per DSC, by the Government. This will be chargeable over and above the given prices.


Hassle free company registration through Razorpay Rize

in just 1,499 + Govt. Fee
With ₹0 hidden charges

Make your business ready to scale. Become an incorporated company through Razorpay Rize.

Made with ❤️ for founders

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Smooth onboarding, seamless incorporation and a wonderful community. Thanks to the #razorpayrize team! #rizeincorporation
Dhaval Trivedi
Basanth Verma
Exciting news! Incorporation of our company, FoxSell, with Razorpay Rize was extremely smooth and straightforward. We highly recommend them. Thank you Razorpay Rize for making it easy to set up our business in India.
#razorpayrize #rizeincorporation
Dhaval Trivedi
Prakhar Shrivastava
We would recommend Razorpay Rize incorporation services to any founder without a second doubt. The process was beyond efficient and show's razorpay founder's commitment and vision to truly help entrepreneur's and early stage startups to get them incorporated with ease. If you wanna get incorporated, pick them. Thanks for the help Razorpay.

#entrepreneur #tbsmagazine #rize #razorpay #feedback
Dhaval Trivedi
TBS Magazine
Hey, Guys!
We just got incorporated yesterday.
Thanks to Rize team for all the Support.
It was a wonderful experience.
#entrepreneur #tbsmagazine #rize #razorpay #feedback
Dhaval Trivedi
Nayan Mishra
Smooth onboarding, seamless incorporation and a wonderful community. Thanks to the #razorpayrize team! #rizeincorporation
Dhaval Trivedi
Basanth Verma
Exciting news! Incorporation of our company, FoxSell, with Razorpay Rize was extremely smooth and straightforward. We highly recommend them. Thank you Razorpay Rize for making it easy to set up our business in India.
#razorpayrize #rizeincorporation
Dhaval Trivedi
Prakhar Shrivastava
We would recommend Razorpay Rize incorporation services to any founder without a second doubt. The process was beyond efficient and show's razorpay founder's commitment and vision to truly help entrepreneur's and early stage startups to get them incorporated with ease. If you wanna get incorporated, pick them. Thanks for the help Razorpay.

#entrepreneur #tbsmagazine #rize #razorpay #feedback
Dhaval Trivedi
TBS Magazine
Hey, Guys!
We just got incorporated yesterday.
Thanks to Rize team for all the Support.
It was a wonderful experience.
#entrepreneur #tbsmagazine #rize #razorpay #feedback
Dhaval Trivedi
Nayan Mishra